BENDIX imaging, Inc.


The Benefits and Uses of Net Conferencing for Business

Video conferencing, or net conferencing as it is sometimes called, is an outgrowth of a number of different technologies, made possible by the availability of high-bandwidth, low-latency connections. Essentially, this is the ...

Steps for Developing a Disaster Recovery Plan for Your Business

Most of us are either optimists or we can’t seem to think beyond today. Being optimistic is actually a great trait to have, except when you run a business. Not thinking beyond ...

Signs Your Small Business Needs to Invest in New Technology

Investment in new technology is always an iffy proposition for many small businesses. The first and perhaps biggest reason is the cost. Many small businesses do not have the capital investment necessary ...

Basic Steps to Keep Your Business’s Data Safe

Keeping our data safe and secure is a very serious matter, but there are a few things that can be done to keep precious information safe from external invasions as well as ...

Public Cloud Risks You Should Understand

It’s not as though it’s a secret. More and more, companies are embracing the advantages of the cloud, both for data storage and for certain processing functions. There’s a good reason for ...


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